Sandy Skoglund exhibition at Ryan Lee Gallery

Pioneering photographer and installation artist, Sandy Skoglund has an exhibition at the Ryan Lee Gallery in New York City. This…
Professor Rob Snyder appointed Manhattan Borough Historian
Professor Robert Snyder, Professor of Journalism and American Studies at Rutgers Newark, and most recently the co-author of All Nations…
ACM Journalism Program presents Meet the Journalists on Wednesday, October 16th
The inaugural event for the new lecture series, Newsmakers, will feature a panel discussion with journalists from The New York Timesand The Wall…
ACM Professors win Cultural Programming Grant

Professors Ned Drew, Keary Rosen, Rebecca Jampol, and Emmanuel Cacciatore received a Cultural Programming Grant to conduct a Visual Literacy…
Comprehensive Monograph on Sandy Skoglund forthcoming

Silvana Editoriale with esteemed Italian Curator Germano Celant will release a comprehensive, colorful monograph of Artist and ACM Professor, Sandra…
Newly published book by Dr. Seggerman -Modernism on the Nile

Challenging typical views of modernism in art history as solely Euro-American, and expanding the conventional periodization of Islamic art history,…
RU-N 2019 Graphic Design Show

RU-N Graphic Design Seniors dedicate their capstone exhibition to im/migrant’s voice at Project for Empty Space Gallery in Newark. Newark,…
Professor Sandrine Colard named Artistic Director of Ludumbashi Biennale

The 6th edition of the Biennale of Lubumbashi will be held in the Fall of 2019 under the artistic direction…
Professor Kimi Takesue on her way to prestigious residencies

ACM’s own – Professor Kimi Takesue has received many many accolades over the past year for her award-winning film, 95…
95 AND 6 TO GO Sept 21-Sept 23 at Anthology Film Archives

Professor Kimi Takesue’s award winning documentary will screen for 3 nights at Anthology Film Archives in New York City. ADDRESS…
Journalism Professor co-author’s book on Scientology
Journalism Professor Robin Gaby Fisher has co-authored a memoir with Michele LeClair on Ms. LeClair’s defection from the Church of…
Rutgers Today magazine profiles Professor Kimi Takesue

Professor Takesue is profiled for Faculty Excellence: Rutgers Today article on Professor Takesue