
The Journalism program affords students the luxury of small classes taught by award-winning journalists in a newsroom setting.

Students learn the basics of reporting and newswriting, as well as critical analysis of current topics and the way they are presented in the news. They also learn about landmark cases that have shaped journalism, and how to find their niche in the ever-changing landscape of media.

The journalism major (39 credits) and minor (18 credits) are part of a liberal arts education that blends theory and practices. Our courses explore subjects such as the history of journalism, contemporary media, video storytelling, radio news writing and production, and journalism ethics and the law. Advanced courses include narrative or long-form journalism, sports reporting, column writing, as well as multimedia practices and shooting video for news stories. Students also have access to a state-of-the-art Mac lab and audio production studio and the most advanced research software.

Our interns have been placed in all of the major New York City news stations, as well as at newspapers, magazines and online outlets throughout the New York metropolitan area.

Major Requirements

Major Requirements – 39 Credits

 Foundation Courses (24 Crs) 

(All are required) 

086:201 Introduction to Media Studies I 

086:202 Introduction to Media Studies II 

086:304 Convergence 

086:334/344 Journalism, Ethics and the Law** 

086:337  Basic Reporting and Newswriting** 

086:338 Advanced Reporting** 

086:340 Introduction to Multimedia 

086:400 Journalism Capstone 

Note: The courses in bold should be taken before all others. They are prerequisites for most other journalism courses.


Cross Training Requirements – 3 Credits

(Choose at least one)

080:261 Introduction to Photography

086:385 Photojournalism

089:104 Introduction to Video Production

089:203 Core Topics: Video Production

089:319 Narrative Production

089:333 Documentary Production

ACM Interdisciplinary Course in Journalism – 3 Credits Required

(Choose at least one)

086:309 Imagery and Culture

086:388 Global Journalism

086:401 Special Topics in Journalism**


Internship or Workshop – 3 Credits Required. Choose at least one:

086:459 Internship in Journalism

086:460 Internship in Journalism

086:493 Newsroom Workshop**


ACM Departmental Requirements – 6 Credits Required

083:101 Intro to Arts, Culture and Media*

083:301 Colloquium or 083:401 Seminar in ACM*


* ACM Critical Studies Core Requirement
**Intensive Writing Courses
Note: a minimum of 120 credits is required for Graduation


Minor Requirements

Minor Requirements – 18 Credits

 086:201 Intro to Media Studies I 

086:202 Intro to Media Studies II 

086:334/344 Journalism, Ethics & the Law** 

086:337 Basic Reporting & Newswriting** 

086:338 Advanced Reporting** 

086:340 Intro to Multimedia 

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  • Theta Pavis worked for daily newspapers in Pennsylvania, New York and New Jersey. She was the founding editor of the…

  • Robin Wilson-Glover
  • Robin Wilson-Glover
  • Robin Wilson-Glover has been involved in local news coverage for nearly 40 years. She has been a political reporter, an…

  • Pictured: Juan Arredondo
  • Juan Arredondo
  • Juan Arredondo is a Colombian American documentary photographer who has chronicled human rights and conflict in Colombia, Venezuela, and Central…

  • Pictured: Larry Durst
  • Larry Durst
  • Larry has a Ph.D. in American Studies from Rutgers University-Newark where he teaches courses in Media Studies and American Studies….