Art History

Course topics in the art history specialization range from the study of ancient to contemporary art and include classes on non-Western art and critical studies. The program consists of 16 courses earning 48 credits, with an additional 6 credits of Department of Arts, Culture, and Media (ACM) departmental requirements.

Through their studies of the history of art, students acquire not only an understanding of artistic styles within their cultural context, but also are introduced to the many methodological and theoretical avenues through which the history of art may be investigated. In addition to courses in art history, students have the opportunity to choose from a wide range of internships in the metropolitan region in museums and nonprofit art-related institutions. Over the course of their studies, art history students hone their writing and research skills and are introduced to the variety of professional applications of their degree, from academia to museums to the corporate world.

The specialization in art history is offered through the Department of Arts, Culture, and Media (ACM). ACM houses programs and/or majors in art, graphic design, art history, media studies (with majors in journalism and video production), music, and theater. Each major includes an ACM core sequence requirement. Taking advantage of the range of disciplines in ACM and the campus mission to engage with its community, the core combines an integrated sequence of classes, shaped in large part by projects drawn from the urban region surrounding the university. The sequence consists of three classes: Introduction to Arts, Culture, and Media, a class designated by each program that combines interdisciplinary pedagogy with a student’s major; and either Colloquium in Arts, Culture, and Media or Seminar in Arts, Culture, and Media.

(B.A.) Specialization in Art History (o8o)

Major Requirements for Major in Art (080): Specialization in Art History (B.A.)

Required Studio Courses (6 credits from the following)
  • 21:085:102  Design Fundamentals (3)
21:085:103  3-D Design Fundamentals (3)
21:080:121  Introduction to Drawing (3)
21:080:251  Introduction to Painting (3)
  • 21:080:261  Introduction to Photography (3)
Required Foundation Courses (6 credits)
  • 21:082:101  Introduction to Art History I (3)
  • 21:082:102  Introduction to Art History II (3)
Required Art History Courses (6 credits)
  • 21:082:350  Development of Modern Art (3)
21:082:360  Art Since 1945 (3)
Required Critical Studies Course (3 credits)
  • *ACM Critical Studies Core Requirement
3 credits from the following, in consultation with adviser:
  • 21:080:285  Seminar in Contemporary Art (3)
  • 21:089:304 Convergence (3)
  • 21:089:256/257  Art and History of Film (3)
  • 21:089:309  Imagery and Culture (3)

Elective Courses for Specialization (21 credits in consultation with adviser)
21 credits of art history (082) or related courses 200 level or above

21:082:201 History of Non-Western Art
  • 21:082:202 History of Design
  • 21:082:207 Art and Women
  • 21:082:210 Intro to Architectural History I
  • 21:082:211 Intro to Architectural History II
  • 21:082:233 Newark: A History of Art, Architecture, and Cultural Institutions
  • 21:082:270 American Art
21:082:275 Black Art in America
  • 21:082:280 Art of the Far East
  • 21:082:285 Art of Africa
21:082:305 Problems in Art
  • 21:082:310 Ancient Art
21:082:320 Medieval Art
  • 21:082:330 Renaissance Art
21:082:340 Baroque and Rococo Art
  • 21:082:382 History of Photography
  • 21:082:391, 392 Individual Study in Art History
  • 21:082:393, 394 Internship in Art History
Senior Thesis (6 credits)
  • 21:082:497  Senior Seminar in Art History I (3)
  • 21:082:498  Senior Seminar in Art History II (3)
Arts, Culture, and Media Departmental Core Requirements for Art History (6 credits) (Also see Critical Studies*)
  • 21:083:101  Introduction to Arts, Culture, and Media (3)
  • 21:083:301  Colloquium in Arts, Culture, and Media (3) or 21:083:401 Seminar in Arts, Culture, and Media (3)

Minor in Art History (082)

Requirements for Minor in Art History (082)

Required Art History Courses (6 credits)
    • 21:082:101  Introduction to Art History I (3)


  • 21:082:102  Introduction to Art History II (3)
Additional Art History Courses (12 credits)
  • 12 credits of art history courses (082) 200 level or above in consultation with adviser
  • Faculty member, Anne Englot
  • Anne Englot
  • Anne joined Rutgers University – Newark in 2014 as Professor of Practice in Architecture & Humanities in the Arts, Culture…

  • Pictured: Dr. Seggerman in Egypt
  • Alex Dika Seggerman
  • Alex Dika Seggerman is associate professor of Islamic art history. She specializes on the intersection of Islam and modernism in art…

  • Image of Alexandra Chang
  • Alexandra Chang
  • Alexandra Chang is Associate Professor of Practice in the Department of Arts, Culture and Media, conducting research and teaching courses…

  • Professor Paul Sternberger who is an Art Historian.
  • Paul Sternberger
  • Professor Paul Sternberger received his Ph.D. in Art History from Columbia University and joined the faculty of the Department of…