Fine Arts

A blend of studio-based art, socially-engaged art, theory and research, our Fine Art B.A. program builds on Newark’s historical roots in art, activism and community building.

A blend of studio-based, social practice, theory and research, our Fine Art B.A. program builds on Newark’s historical roots in art, activism and community building. Responding to a range of interests and emerging issues in the arts, we have designed a curriculum to help our students build foundations for satisfying, sustainable, ethical, diverse and life-long careers in the arts as well as other professional sectors of our society.

In 2022 our Fine Art Program will have a deeper partnership with Express Newark, Rutgers University-Newark’s Center for Socially Engaged Art and Design. This relationship will offer students the opportunity to work with Visiting artists and curators-in-residence and exposure to a wider range of art making approaches, including art and activism, community building, entrepreneurship, collaboration, performance art, public art, installation, and more. Express Newark has yearly themes that are activated across a range of classes and public programming including film screenings, artist talks, conferences, exhibitions and projects in which communities in Newark and enrolled students can co-create. These experiences will provide Fine Art students greater insight into a range of careers in the Arts, and skills needed for post graduation. In addition our courses in Critical Studies and advanced Art History offer students social, cultural, and historical contexts for their art practice.

Many BA Fine Art majors also choose to pursue a Minor in Art History, and these Programs are offered through the Department of Arts, Culture, and Media (ACM). ACM houses programs and/or majors in Art, Graphic Design, Art History, Media Studies (with majors in Journalism and in Video Production), Music, and Theater. Each major includes an ACM core sequence requirement. Taking advantage of the range of disciplines in ACM and the campus mission to engage with its community, the core combines an integrated sequence of classes, shaped in large part by projects drawn from the urban region surrounding the University. The sequence consists of three classes: Introduction to Arts, Media, and Culture, a class designated by each program that combines interdisciplinary pedagogy with a student’s major; and either Colloquium in Arts, Culture, and Media or Seminar in Arts, Culture, and Media.

(B.A.) Specialization in Fine Art (080)

Requirements for Major in Art (080S): Specialization in Fine Art (B.A.) 57 Credits.
Effective Fall 22’

Required Foundation Courses (21 credits)

21:080:121  Introduction to Drawing (3) 

21:080:251  Introduction to Painting (3) 

21:080:261  Introduction to Photography (3)

21:080:223  Figure Drawing (3)

21:082:101  Introduction to Art History I (3)

21:082:102  Introduction to Art History II (3) 

21:080:273  Introduction to Printmaking (3)


Studio Courses of Specialization (18 credits) 

21:080:355  Painting and Drawing Workshop (3)

21:080:305  Problems in Art (3) (offered Spring Semester only)

21:080:361  Studio Photography (3) 

21:080:362  Photography Workshop (3)

21:080:405  Problems in Contemporary Art (3) (offered Fall semester only)

21:___:___ (3) A 200-level or above Visual Art course approved by your advisor, such as: Art Internship; Independent Study; Intro to 3D Modeling; 3-D Design Fundamentals


Required Art History Courses (9 credits) 

21:082:350  Development of Modern Art (3) 

21:082:360  Art Since 1945 (3) 

21:___:___ A 200-level or above AH course approved by your advisor, such as: African Photography; Global Modernisms; Gender and Photography; Arts of Africa, etc. 


Required Critical Studies Course (3 credits)

21:080:285  Seminar in Contemporary Art I (3)* (offered Fall Semester only)

*ACM Critical Studies Core Requirement


Arts, Culture, and Media Departmental Core Requirements for Specialization in Fine Art (B.A.) (Also see Critical Studies*) (6 credits)

21:083:101 Introduction to Arts, Culture, and Media (3)

21:083:301 Colloquium in Arts, Culture, and Media (3) or 21:083:401 Seminar in Arts, Culture, and Media (3)

Minor in Fine Art (080)

Requirements for Minor in Fine Art (080) 18 Credits.

Effective Fall 22’


  • 21:082:101 Intro to Art History I (3) OR 21:082:102 Intro to Art History II (3)
  • 21:080:121 Introduction to Drawing (3)
  • 21:080:251 Introduction to Painting (3)
  • 21:080:261 Introduction to Photography (3) OR 21:080:361 Studio Photography (3) OR 21:080:362 Photography Workshop (3)


  • 21:080:361 Studio Photography (3) OR 21:080:362 Photography Workshop (3)
  • 21:080:355 Painting and Drawing Workshop (3)OR 21:080:405 Problems in Contemporary Art (3) OR 21:080:305 Problems in Art (3)



Please contact Professor Nick Kline for further information @


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